In Italy, police broke up a ring selling fake Ferrari cars for a fraction of the real Ferrari price. So, after fake Gucci bags or Rolex watches, this is the time for fake Ferrari cars! Police accused 15 people of building fake Ferrari sports cars and selling them to car fanatics on a budget price.
These fake car body workers cobbled together mostly fake parts and a few original components of Ferrari. They used body parts from other makes of automobiles, such as chassis, roofs, hoods, trunks and doors. All the body parts were modified to look like Ferrari classics such as the 328 Gtb, which went out of production in the late 1980s.
Police confiscated 21 cars, 14 of which had already been sold, and seven in production in Sicilian garages. Some of these fake Ferrari cars were sold for about 20,000 euros, about a tenth of the going price for some versions. Link
These fake car body workers cobbled together mostly fake parts and a few original components of Ferrari. They used body parts from other makes of automobiles, such as chassis, roofs, hoods, trunks and doors. All the body parts were modified to look like Ferrari classics such as the 328 Gtb, which went out of production in the late 1980s.
Police confiscated 21 cars, 14 of which had already been sold, and seven in production in Sicilian garages. Some of these fake Ferrari cars were sold for about 20,000 euros, about a tenth of the going price for some versions. Link
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