Funny Video : YouTube in 1985

Beautiful Petermann Glacier (9 Pics)
Pictures of Petermann Glacier. This beautiful glacier is located in North-West Greenland to the east of Nares Strait, and is the northenmost glacier in the world. This glacier connects the Greenland ice sheet to the ocean near 81 degrees north latitude. Petermann Glacier consists of a 70 km long and 15 km wide floating ice tongue whose thickness changes from about 600 m at its grounding line to about 30-80 m at its front.
"Hell Met" without 'Helmet' ad
A bike helmet protects a rider from serious head injury in a collision. That's why it is always recommended that you wear a helmet while riding a bike. And if you don't, you will get an experience of hell sooner or later. This is what the following advertisement tries to tell you. On the left it shows a common helmet and on the right it shows the bruised and stitched face of a road accident victim. To avoid this, wear a helmet. This cleverly prepared ad copy perfectly delivers the message. What you say?
Durex Condoms with Ribs Street Ad
Take look at the picture. To promote Durex condoms with ribs, paving stones in some Belgian cities were painted to look like condoms. Agency: McCann Erickson, Belgium. What you think about this advertising campaign? Interesting or dumb concept?
Origami Bird-style Tea Bag Concept
No more same old-style tea bags! Take a look at the tea bag in the picture. Yes, it is a tea bag packed like an origami bird. This Origami Bird-style tea bag packaging is a concept of Russian designer Natalia Ponomareva. Refreshing, isn't it?
Odd and Unusual Jumbo Hostel (12 Pics)

The original airplane was a decommissioned Boeing 747-200 jumbo jet built in 1976 for Singapore Airlines. The plane later served with Pan Am and Swedish airline Transjet. For more information about Jumbo Hostel visit: http://www.jumbohostel.com. In the meantime, take a look at some more pictures of the Jumbo Hostel plus a video in the end.

Odd Transport and Overloading (10 Pics)

Teeth Art (7 Pics)

Amazing Landscape : The Wave, Arizona (10 Pics)
The Wave is made of Jurassic-age Navajo Sandstone that is approximately 190 million years old. Scientists who study The Wave say that the old sand dunes turned into hard compacted rock over the ages, calcifying in vertical and horizontal layers. Erosion by wind and rain has created the spectacular landscape which appears now.
So, if you love see odd and unusual places, 'The Wave' is a perfect destination for you. Note that, a permit is required to visit The Wave. The permit is provided by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which manages the beautiful rock formation. The BLM limits access to the North Coyote Buttes Wilderness Area to just twenty permits per day. Ten of the permits are available in advance by reservation, and the remaining ten are made available by lottery the day before at the nearest ranger station.
Take a look at some more pictures of The Wave: